Schedule: Monday - Friday 9:00 - 5:30

For Appointments: 305-667-1918


Writing about the latest news and discoveries in the medical world.

  • When Do I Use Hot or Cold For Injuries?

    When Do I Use Hot or Cold For Injuries?

    When Do I Use Hot or Cold For Injuries? Post injury immediately requires ice or cold. When you initially injure yourself, your body floods the area with everything needed to fix the injury which also produces heat. Cold helps to decrease the temperature and also decreases nerve conduction and circulation […]

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  • The Importance of Stretching

    The Importance of Stretching

    Stretching is a wonderful modality that benefits everyone. 1. Stretching decreases muscle tension which allows better circulation to the area being stretched. This increases the oxygen, decreases the lactic acid and carbon dioxide which allows tissue healing and decreases pain and spasm. 2. Stretching benefits areas above and below that […]

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  • It is Important to Know How Long to Hold 4 Basic Stretches

    It is Important to Know How Long to Hold 4 Basic Stretches

    Quick stretch increases circulation and warms up the muscle. Soccer players will perform high knee lifts and butt kicks to warm up muscles before play. Low duration stretch is a 10 to 60 second hold which will primarily stretch the muscle belly or “meat” of the muscle. Moderate duration stretch […]

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  • Introduction to Stretching

    Introduction to Stretching

    Do you know what you are stretching?    Different tissues and activities require different times to complete:   The muscle belly or “meat’ of the muscle requires the least amount of time (1-30 seconds). A warm up stretch may only require 1 to 2 seconds, such as a butt kick […]

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  • Tips On What To Do Immediately After An Injury

    Tips On What To Do Immediately After An Injury

    Serious injuries need urgent care. Inability to stand or walk, loss of consciousness, etc. require prompt medical attention. Open cuts: Hold compression for two minutes. Moderate to large cuts may require stitches or debridement (cleaning) Non-emergency issues respond to R. I. C. E. Rest – may require walking aid, brace, […]

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